A group of children sitting at the table eating food.

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Ages 18 months to 35 months

Our toddler rooms are designed to allow the toddlers to move and explore their world. We offer a multitude of activities to promote language development, fine and large motor development, social development and cognitive development. We offer a lot of hands on with toddlers like cuddling, soft play and caring activities to create an environment of security and trust.

  • Toddlers are in small groups so that individual needs can be met. As well as cuddling, playing and soothing.
  • Activities for toddlers will include art, music, stories, blocks, climbing, manipulative’s, cars, discovery, self-help skills and outdoor play.
  • Consistency of care is stressed with the toddlers. They will stay with the same teachers for 18 months. The continuity of care creates a more positive and learning environment for the toddler.

Toddler Schedule:

Toddler’s Daily Schedule

6:30-8:00 Arrival & Breakfast
8:00-8:45 Free Choice/ Diapers & Potty
8:45-9:00 Morning Snack
9:00-9:15 Circle Time & Music
9:15-9:45 Art & Sensory
9:45-10:15 Diapers & Potty / Free Choice Centers
10:15-11:00 Outdoor Play
11:00-11:30 Cognitive/Language
11:30-12:10 Lunch
12:10-12:30 Clean-up /Free Choice
12:30-1:00 Diapers & Potty/ Story
1:00-3:00 Nap Time
3:00-3:30 Diapers & Potty
3:30-3:45 Afternoon Snack
3:45-4:00 Circle Time
4:00-5:00 Outside Play (Weather Permitting)
5:00-6:00 Diapers & Potty/ Free Choice